Flabber Floovers - Pulley |
Continuing my theme of disentanglement puzzles, I had decided that it might be nice to try some that are not made of wire. I do love wooden puzzles and so when I saw that the disentanglement puzzles from Family Games of America are made of wood and string, I couldn't resist it. Well you know that I actually can't resist any puzzle but I'm going to stick to my story! This series of puzzles is grouped under the name "Flabber floovers" and Puzzle Master stock them all. If you are feeling like torturing yourself properly then the whole lot are sold with a
batch discount. I decided to dip my toe in gently and just got the middle of the range
Pulley (actually I got this because it didn't look too horrific - some of them have lots and lots of loops of string!)
It is level 8 (Gruelling) on the Puzzle Master scale (from 5 up to a max of 10) and I have mixed feelings about whether this is correct or not (read on to see why). Packaged in a nice blue box with a solution booklet (be careful not to look at this too soon), it is a decent size - 9.4 x 8.6 x 2.8cm and seems to be made from a very nice smooth wood. It is actually quite attractive, unlike the wire puzzles. The biggest advantage in the Puzzlemad home is that not being made of metal, it doesn't jingle when being played with!! This may well increase my life expectancy!
The solution is provided in the box but if you have thrown it away - then it can also be downloaded from
here. It would appear that none of my fellow puzzle bloggers have reviewed any of these before.