Two posts in two days - amazing! My 300th post
yesterday was about a puzzle made by a superb craftsman (
Eric Fuller) and I think that this post (number 301) should also be about a
really special puzzle from another superb craftsman (
Brian Young). Luckily she who must be obeyed let me come inside from my public holiday chores to finish off this post for you.
I have to own up and admit that I have been extremely remiss and I really do apologise! I have owned my dream set of burrs for over a year and not yet completed the task of solving them, let alone reviewing them! Brian Young (aka
MrPuzzle) has brought out his
limited edition puzzles almost every year for the last 20 years and I have been only too happy to chuck my cash at him and his lovely wife for the privilege of owning some of the most amazing toys the puzzle world has ever seen!
The gorgeous 5 - even now I can't help drooling when I see them! |
At the end of 2012 I made a
Xmas wish that I could manage to get a copy of Brian’s limited edition series of 5 burrs and amazingly after a few months - the wish
came true! See kids, if you wish hard enough for something then Santa actually does listen - especially if you have been particularly good like I have been! Thank goodness Santa obviously doesn’t read my posts where I
admit having been very
bad or even really
really bad! I gradually worked my way through these burrs and would appear to have stopped at the final one. In retrospect, I realise that Brian had produced burrs which each have something unique to them and involved different thought processes - one was
coordinate motion, one involved
rotational moves, one forms a
box and is more of an assembly puzzle and the last one I reviewed was the
Woven burr which is a board burr with a deceptively simple woven structure which was horrifically difficult to assemble after taking it apart!
I had intended to solve and review the final one - the Holey 6 board burr a month or so after the last review in December 2013 but I failed to do so. I actually blame Brian for it because he seems to have produced
several other
limited editions since then and even a very special
exchange puzzle - all of which have kept me puzzling and writing about other things. A few weeks ago when “she” forced me to clean (and in the process to reorganise) the tip that was my
study and during that process I had to dust the shelves. This meant removing many lovely toys from the shelves and I realised when I took down the Holey board burr that I had still not solved it - I had to fix this soon.