But Using Basic Techniques Got Me Through
Twistytex' 3x5x7
That was really silly!
I have been chatting to my friend Casey Weaver, a wonderful generous Texan,
for a couple of years. He had seen that I had a copy of
amazing version of the 3x5x7 cuboid and wondered whether I would swap my
original copy for one that he had made by 3D printing extensions and hand
finishing to a very fine polished surface. SAV had classified this puzzle as
an "
ultimate shapeshifter" - you can see why from the picture above. It was a collaboration between
SAV and the incredible Gregoire Pfennig to create something truly wonderful
and ground-breaking. I had solved it way back in 2013 and had incorporated it
as one of the ways that a new twisty puzzler could go if they wanted to expand
their puzzling skills in a
logical progression. I had really enjoyed the approach to the various types of cuboids but very
seldom solved them because this one as a Shapeways puzzle still dropped black
powder from inside every time I played with it. This completely drove Mrs S
crackers and so I had put it aside for a rather long time and when the
opportunity came from Casey to obtain a still very limited edition version
which I could actually use without threats of violence, I jumped at the
chance. I had managed to obtain a couple of others in the interim period:
Ultimate cuboid family (3x5x7 by SAV, 5x7x9 by Traiphum and 4x6x8 by
and we even had a mass produced version made by Calvin's puzzles after a design
by Hunter Palshook. I was lucky enough to get the hand-made prototype and after
giving it back so that the puzzle could be mass produced I was one of the first
to receive the actual puzzle:
Calvin's 2x4x6 |
It has been several years since I had played with any of these puzzles -
in fact I have not done a twisty for several months! I thought to myself
that I should still be able to manage it despite the time gone by - so I
scrambled it and admired the chaotic beauty that I had. Then, having
scrambled it, I realised that I had forgotten every single one of my
cuboid algorithms! I also had not even solved a 3x3 or 4x4 for many
It was going to be back to the basics for this one. I have refreshed my
abilities with basic cubes and decided that I would try and use a
technique that did not require any special algorithms at all. Yes, it
"should" be possible to do this using nothing more than techniques used
for a 3x3 and 4x4 cube and a bit of block building to reduce the puzzle to
a rather beautiful but misshapen 3x3x3. The technique is reminiscent of
the 4x4x4 AI cube that took the twisty world by storm:
Original AI cube
GRcubed AI Megamorphinx mod
These very difficult puzzles are solved by organising the 2x2x2 blocks onto
the top two layers and manipulating these layers to recreate the correct
piece positions. It actually is mostly done by intuition apart from the last
few pieces. If a similar thing is done for a standard 4x4x4 cube then the
fancy algorithm can be skipped because there are so many pieces in the last
layer with the same colour and if really struggling the centres can be
easily placed alone using standard 4x4x4 methods.
Obviously the 3x5x7 was going to be slightly difficult - I was going to have
to make it into a 3x3x3. First thing to do is to recreate the edges:
Here we have longer edges - you can see where the 2 central edge pieces need
to be moved to align with the green and red true edge. All edges of the
correct length need to be moved onto the top half - this is easy and then
the corners placed to allow the 2nd and 3rd layers to turn:
A corner is placed alongside the edges and if not oriented correctly then
using just beginners 3x3 method (Ri, Di, R, D repeated ad nauseum until
correct). This needs to be done until all the to corners are oriented to
allow movements and then the central edge pieces are moved into place. Easy
peasy...sort of! It definitely works but takes a lot of thought and
All edges done - placing them like this is just for the photo
Once all the edges have been recreated then the same thing needs to be done
for the compound corners. First create the outer 3x1 column and then the inner
one. Then line them up and stash them in the bottom half for safety whilst
continuing to use the top half for work:
OYB outer column formed
Outer column combined with inner
All Yellow corners done - start on white
Getting the final corners recreated is quite a logic challenge - it requires
multiple movements of corners to different places and then rotation using the
standard 3x3 algorithm and then rinse and repeat...many many many times. After
several days of swearing and huffing and puffing (Mrs S said it sounded like I
was doing a very painful workout and it certainly hurt my bwain), I had a
3x3x3 to solve:
Layer 1 solved |
Layer 2 solved - top to go
After 3 or 4 days of blood, sweat, tears and threats of violence (again!) I finally had solved the 3x5x7 using nothing more than 3x3 and 4x4 techniques and a lot of thought. It is definitely not the most efficient way to do it but requires minimal specialist algorithm knowledge and is very rewarding!
Solved in front of a Cactus Probably a lot smaller than the ones that Casey has near his home. |
I always recommend to newbie puzzlers that they should seriously consider incorporating twisty puzzles into their repertoire. They are fabulous fun, a huge challenge and very repeatable. They are also collectible and can be worth a lot of money if solved later (so not a bad investment in terms of time or money). There are loads of really challenging puzzles out there for us all to play with and learn from. It is not necessary to memorise lots of algorithms for the vast majority. If you wish to try an Ultimate Shapeshifter then a few of the 2x4x6 cuboids are
still available and they can be solved in this way (although reducing to a 2x2 cube instead will be much less arduous) and maybe I will give that a go next.
Thank you so much Casey for making such a wonderful challenge for me and reminding me of the fabulous puzzling that can be had from twisty puzzles. Amazing quality!
I got my booster jab a few days ago and, apart from a sore arm for a day, I had absolutely no adverse effects at all. This will help the world get out of this pandemic so if you have the chance to get your vaccine then please do so - it may save your life, it has an even higher chance of saving someone else's life - do it, the science says so. Reading a few crackpots on Google, Facebook and YouTube is NOT "doing research" - if you want to do research properly then get a research degree and then start reading all the scientific literature before joining a PROPER research institution and doing it well and publish your data in a journal not on the web!
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